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Mental Wellness Coaching

What is the difference between mental wellness coaching and therapy?

What is the purpose?

  • Mental Wellness Coaching: My practice supports the client's overall well-being, manage stress, improve resilience, and achieve a balanced mental state. It focuses on fostering positive mental health and coping strategies for clients.


  • Therapy: Focuses on diagnosing and treating mental health disorders, resolving emotional issues, and addressing psychological problems stemming from past and present experiences.

What is the approach?

  • Mental Wellness Coaching: My practice adopts a proactive and preventive approach, focusing on building strengths, healthy habits, and positive lifestyle changes. It is action-oriented, emphasizing goal-setting and personal growth for clients.


  • Therapy: Reactive and curative, delving into the root causes of mental health issues. It involves exploring emotions, thoughts, and behaviors to heal and resolve underlying problems.


What issues can be explored?

  • Mental Wellness Coaching: My practice addresses stress management, life balance, emotional well-being, motivation, and personal fulfillment. It is suited for individuals looking to improve their mental wellness without the presence of significant psychological disorders.


  • Therapy: Mental health disorders like anxiety, depression, PTSD, and others. Therapy is necessary for individuals needing clinical intervention to deal with more severe emotional and psychological challenges.

What techniques do you use?

  • Mental Wellness Coaching: In my practice, I utilize motivational interviewing, active listening, goal-setting, clean language, neuro-linguistic programming, and positive psychology to support clients as they enhance their mental wellness


  • Therapy: Employs clinical techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, psycho-dynamic therapy, and trauma work  treating clinical anxiety to treat conditions and foster healing.

What is your professional background?

  • Mental Wellness Coaches: My professional background includes specific training in coaching. I do not diagnose or treat mental health disorders, focusing instead on enhancing mental wellness.


  • Therapists: Are licensed mental health professionals with extensive training in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions. They hold master degrees in psychology, social work, or counseling.

How is your practice being regulated?

  • Mental Wellness Coaches: My practice is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards and ensuring confidentiality, in alignment with the International Coaching Federation guidelines.


  • Therapy: Highly regulated, practitioners required to be licensed and adhere to ethical codes and confidentiality laws.

What is the intentional outcome?

  • Mental Wellness Coaching: The intentional outcome of my practice is for clients to have a safe space as they explore and learn to manage stress, improve emotional balance, and enhance their overall mental wellness through lifestyle changes and personal development.


  • Therapy: Focuses on healing, recovery, and resolution of mental health issues, leading to improved psychological functioning.


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